Space: Codes for Exascale

Ramses is part of the SPACE program, which aims to foster the reuse and sharing of algorithms and software components in the A&C application domain, addressing this action through co-design activities that bring together scientists, code developers, HPC experts, HW manufacturers and SW developers, advancing lighthouse exascale A&C applications, codes, services and know-how promoting the use of upcoming exascale and post-exascale computing capabilities.

In addition, SPACE will address the high-performance data analysis of the data torrent produced by exascale A&C simulation applications, also with machine-learning and visualization tools. The deployment of applications running on different platforms will be facilitated by federating capabilities focusing on code repositories and data sharing, and integrating European astrophysical communities around exascale computing by adopting software and data standards and interoperability protocols.





Noé Brucy