Developers webinars

  • Internal Training : tips and tricks to navigate in HPC environments

    Internal Training : tips and tricks to navigate in HPC environments

    The SNO is happy to announce a second Internal Training online event which will cover basic notions to work in an HPC environment. Specifically, Fabrice Roy (from Paris Observatory) will cover the following topics: The event will be online on December 11, 2024, at 10am CET. (Zoom link posted on slack).

  • A webinar on git fundamentals

    A webinar on git fundamentals

    On 04/07/2024, the first webinar of the RAMSES SNO was given by Noé Brucy. It was a tutorial teaching the basics of git usage: learn how to clone a repository, review contributions, make new contributions, and deal with conflicts. It was split into the following sections: Tutorial material can be found at