The Obelisk simulation

The Obelisk project is a radiation-hydrodynamical cosmological simulation following the assembly of a proto-cluster and its environment until z≃3 aiming to study the first 3 Gyr of evolution of the Universe, before the peak of cosmic star formation. Obelisk relies on state-of-the-art models to describe the physical processes necessary to simulate galaxies and their environment (see the details here). Re-simulating at very high-resolution (34 pc) a region of the large-scale Horizon-AGN simulation, Obelisk simulates the first 2 Gyr of the assembly of what will become a cluster of total mass Mhalo≃7×1014M, similar to Coma cluster, with a resolution high enough to capture the multi-phase structure of the interstellar medium of the 67 500 galaxies identified at z≃3.5.


